Wednesday, October 21, 2009


From here on out...we want to let all you faithful Familia Blog followers know that we've got a new blog...and it's built right into the Familia site.  So head on over to FAMILIASKATESHOP.COM and check out our updated look.  All further posts will be done over there.


Monday, October 19, 2009

A couple things are for sure...

In life, there are few things that are for sure.  Death and taxes being the most commonly known.  But, I can tell you this much...ole' Mr. Nesser is definitely in the new Tony Hawk Ride game and Familia is definitely up in that shit too.  Check these secret screen grabs I nabbed from Activision.  Oh...and Elwood????


Friday, October 16, 2009

New Familia winter stocking hats for 2009.

Classic Mpls spot...classy Mpls dude.

Just found a copy of the newest Adio ad with our own Steve Nesser handlin' the old pillsbury ledges.  Keep your eyes peeled for the December Transworld...there just might be a full interview coming out with this guy.


Get on down to BLB.  You know...Bryant Lake Bowl.  Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month Familia Skateshop brings you DUDE'S NIGHT.  It's hosted by a famous DJ, there will be cheap drinks, cheap eats and some familiar faces.  We spared no expense bringing you this legendary master of the turn tables.  Come check out his handy work...every 3rd Wednesday.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

YOU interviewed- Lane Kloskowski

Where do you live? I live in St. Compton, Mn

How old are you? I am the age of 16

How long have you been skateboarding? I have been skateboarding for a year shy of a decade

What are some of your favorite companies? Some of my favorite companies are: Lakai, Kr3w, Volcom, Hollister and American Seagull

List your top 5 skateboarders. Sean Malto, Davis Torgerson, Kenny Hoyle, Lizard King and Myself

What are your 3 favorite tricks? Feeble to Back Smiths, Front Lips on ledges and plain old Heel flips 

What's your favorite skate spot (not limited to my hometown)? My favorite skate spot would have to be the general area of minneapolis and st. paul, very fun vibe every time i go

If you had a million dollars what would you do with it? If i had 1 million dollars i would pay for the rest of the skate plaza in st. cloud, pay off my car and buy some 20s so i can finally roll fat, i hate hub caps

What's your favorite place you have travelled to? The favorite place i have traveled to is probably.... um well i went to willy wonka's chocolate factory in a dream once, does that count?

If you could go anywhere, where would you go and who would you bring with? If i could go anywhere it would have to be spain with with the crew, i hear you go pro there if you can drop in so that would be sick.


YOU interviewed- Matt Schwerzler

1. Where do you live ? Nordeast Mpls

2. How old are you ? 26

3. How long have you been skateboarding ? 10yrs

4. What are some of your favorite companies ? CC Club, Uptown Bar...(RIP), Ichibans , Minnesota Farmers!!!

5. List your top 5 skateboarders. Tom Roar , M16, C Dub, The Loc Ness, Torgy

6. What are your 3 favorite tricks ? Kick push, Powerslides , Carvin 

7. What's your favorite skate spot ? The ones you don't get kicked out of!

8. If you had a million dollars what would you do with it ? I would buy the Uptown Bar and build a new patio....Yea!!!

9. What's your favorite place you have travelled to before ? The Dirty South.

10. If you could go anywhere , where would you go and who would you bring with ? I would go to the moon and bring my 3 year old son Jaden with me.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wreck- tified

Ain't a party till Tucker has his shirt off!

Friday, October 9, 2009


1. Where do you live ? the O.C., but my heart lives in Northern Minnesota.

2. How old are you ? 34 years of age.

3. How long have you been skateboarding ? started in grade 8, so... 20 years i guess?

4. What are some of your favorite companies ? i really like Creature, Hookups, Anti Hero, enjoi, Flip, Girl, Heroin... they are all good for one reason or another, but i like the fun companies most.

5. List your top 5 skateboarders. im not sure i can even do that any more... there is so much good stuff going on these days. im gonna do one off the top of my head... Malto, Preston Harper, Ben Raemers, Louie Barletta, the Gonz.

6. What are your 3 favorite tricks ? to do... no-comply, going fast, not eating shit. to watch... any 3 vert tricks.

7. What's your favorite skate spot ? Pink Banks in San Jose CA. R.I.P.

8. If you had a million dollars what would you do with it ? buy a cabin in the woods near Erskine MN, build a 4 foot mini ramp in a heated barn. stick the rest in the bank and use it here and there so that my friends could come stay with me and not have to worry about travel or money or anything.

9. What's your favorite place you have travelled to before ? Amsterdam or the Caymans... maybe Tokyo. any where new is my favorite, every place is good for different reasons

10. If you could go anywhere , where would you go and who would you bring with ? as of this minute, im gonna say the Cayman islands, id Bring Nesser, Kyle Green, Seth McCallum, Horsey, Apples and SCOOPIE BABY!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Feelin' Minnesota

Come support jerboi.  Hell, come support tons of peeps you know who skate and rep Minnesota.

Friday, October 2, 2009