Monday, October 19, 2009

A couple things are for sure...

In life, there are few things that are for sure.  Death and taxes being the most commonly known.  But, I can tell you this much...ole' Mr. Nesser is definitely in the new Tony Hawk Ride game and Familia is definitely up in that shit too.  Check these secret screen grabs I nabbed from Activision.  Oh...and Elwood????



Olu said...

damn, I actually thought that was a real photo of steve for a sec

Anonymous said...

is there a MPLS level???

joetron2030 said...

Nice! Congrats on getting in the game!

Unknown said...

This is very good to see, congrats and big ups to Steve and Familia.

Skateboard winkel said...

Wow its seems to be a real one..Awesome to see..

skateboard said...

hey its just so real.......great work

Skateboardwinkel said...

Skateboard shop is the easiest way to get all the things in that...