Saturday, August 29, 2009

YOU interviewed- Frankie Willette

1.Where do you live? I live in NE Mineapolis.

2.How old are you? 13 going on 14.

3. How long have you been skateboarding? I have been skating for about 4 years.

4.What are some of you favorite companies? Nike SB, Glue Factory Skateboards, Addidas, Jamba Juice, spitfire, the stuff Famillia is doing is pretty tight, and probably a few others i can't think of right now.

5.List your top 5 skateboarders? ummm, I guess Dennis Busenitz, Eric Koston, Tom Rohrer, Emeric Pratt, and Mike mo.

6. What are your 3 favorite tricks? Well if we don't have to be able to do them then, wallies, back lips on ledges, and nollies/nollie flips.

7. What's your favorite skate spot? My favorite skatespot would have to be this place called the badlands. Its a neat spot just down the river from broadway pizza. Its a good place to learn new things or to warm up or whatever.

8. If you had a million dollars what would you do with it? If i had a million dollars i would probably give a bunch of it away to family or friends, put some away, maybe buy a really nice camera, maybe a few t-shirts, and then i'd put the rest on a debit card for when i needed it.

9. What's your favorite place you've travelled to before? I think my favorite place would be when we went to viginia beach. I didn't really do a lot of skating, but being on the beach for most the day was really cool.

10. If you could go anywhere , where would you go and who would you bring? If i could go anywhere i would probably go somewhere in Europe like maybe spain or France. And i would bring my family, and some friends.


typoscura said...

yeah frankie!

Halfpipe of Odin said...

Lovin 13 year old favorite company is the Glue Factory! Fuckin Yeah kid. Build more skatespots!